NTLA Foundation Application Form

If you are facing immediate risk of property tax foreclosure, or a member of the National Tax Lien Association (NTLA) who would like to request assistance for someone at risk, please complete this application. 

It is vital to provide the NTLA Foundation with a complete and accurate description of the circumstances to explain why this hardship situation merits relief.  

Questions, contact: (561) 449-2484 or info@ntla.org

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Details of request
Note: It is vital to provide the NTLA Foundation with a complete and accurate description of the circumstances to explain why this hardship situation merits relief.

Property Tax (Interest)
Property Preservation Relief
Code Violation Relief
Property Tax (Principal)
Property Tax (Principal plus Interest)

 Provide a history of events including any steps taken to correct or avoid this situation.

Supporting documentation
Submit all relevant documentation that supports your request for relief. We recommend you include copies of any correspondence sent to the taxpayer by the tax collector or lien servicer (notices, statements, letters, etc.) that show the penalties or interest charged to your account.

Depending on the reason for the request, some examples of supporting documentation include:

  • Doctor's certificate or letter indicating the nature of the illness, duration of treatment (date of onset of the illness and the date or expected date of recovery), hospital dates if applicable, and any explanations regarding the effect the medical condition had on your ability to meet your tax obligations
  • Death certificate
  • Police/fire report
  • Full financial disclosure: Supporting documents could include financial statements (an income and expense statement, assets and liabilities statement), current mortgage statements and property assessments or rental agreements, loans and monthly bills, all bank statements for the most current three months, all current investment statements, all credit card statements for the most current three months, etc.

Note: You can submit photocopies of supporting documentation. 

20MB max

NTLA Foundation
(561) 449-2484

The goal is to set you up for success going forward, and having a plan so that you don't cycle through this every year is important. Please detail that plan below. (ie. Save money each month, new job, family support...etc)